Pfister, Anne E. (2020) En Mi Casa Quiero Señas: Photovoice as Language Advocacy. Visual Anthropology Review 36(2):255-274.

Pfister, Anne E. (2019) Predicament and Pilgrimage: Hearing Families of Deaf Children in Mexico City. Medical Anthropology 38(3):195-209.

Pfister, Anne E. (2017) Forbidden Signs: Language Socialization and Therapeutic Approaches to Language in Mexico. Ethos 45(1):139-161.

Pfister, Anne E., Vindrola-Padros, Cecilia, Johnson, Ginger A. (2014Together, We Can Show You: Participant-generated Visual Data in Collaborative Research. Collaborative Anthropologies 7(1): 26-49.

Pfister, Anne E. (2013Ethnographic Strategies for Engaging Deaf Youth Participants: Photovoice and Participatory Analysis. Student Anthropologist 3(3): 34-46.

Pfister, Anne E. & Teramoto Kimura, Yayoi. (2012) The Invention of a Didactic Tool for Learning Mexican Sign Language: Service-Learning and Innovation. Technology and Innovation: Proceedings of the National Academy of Inventors 14(1): 17-24.

Johnson, Ginger A., Pfister, Anne E., & Vindrola-Padros, Cecilia. (2012Drawings, Photos and Performance: Using Visual Methods with Children. Visual Anthropology Review 28(2): 164-178.


Pfister, Anne E. (under review) Participatory Ethnographic Methods: Collaborative data production, analysis, and ethnographic representation. In Inclusive Ethnography. Sage Publishers (exp. 2024)

Hoffmann-Dilloway, Erika & Pfister, Anne E. (in press) Access to and through Sign Languages: Linguistic Deprivation, Deaf Activism and Social Justice. Language and Social Justice: A Global Perspective. Riley, K., Perley, B., García-Sanchez, I. eds. Bloomsbury Publishers.

Campbell-Montalvo, Rebecca & Pfister, Anne E. (2021) Mexican Migrant Parents’ Access to School Resources and Perceptions of US Schools: The Interstice of Linguistic Structural Realities and Family Cultural Backgrounds. In Refugee Education across the Lifespan: Mapping Experiences of Language Learning and Use. Warriner, Doris, ed. Springer Educational Linguistics Series.

Pfister, Anne E. (2020) Bla Bla Bla: Exposing Inaccessibility through Mexican Sign Language Expressions In Sign Language Ideologies in Practice, edited by A. Kusters, M. Green, E. Moriarty and K. Snodden, 41-56. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter/Ishara Press.

Vindrola-Padros, Cecilia, Johnson, Ginger A., Pfister, Anne E. eds.* (2018Healthcare in Motion: (Im)moblilities in Health Service Delivery and Access. Worlds in Motion Book Series. New York: Berghahn Books. *contributions include: first author on chapter four, single author of section two introduction, co-author of introduction and postscript.

Pfister, Anne E. and Vindrola-Padros, Cecilia. (2018Fluid and Mobile Identities: Travel, Imaginaries, and Practices of Caregiving among Families of Deaf Children. In Healthcare in Motion: (Im)mobilities in Health Service Delivery and Access, edited by C. Vindrola-Padros, G. Johnson and A. Pfister, 77-98.


Pfister, Anne E. (2020La escuela para niños sordos como sitio importante de la socialización del lenguaje (Schools for Deaf Children as Important Language Socialization Sites). Compartiendo SEÑALEES: Reflexiones del 15º Seminario Taller Modelo Educativo Bilingüe para el Niño Sordo. (Sharing SEÑALEES: Reflections from the 15th Seminar Workshop of the Bilingual Educational Model for Deaf Children). Instituto Pedagógico para Problemas del Lenguaje, 18-19.

Pfister, Anne E. (2020) Expert Witness Testimony for attorney Mercedes Castillo’s deaf Mexican client.

Pfister, Anne E. (2018The Effect of Imagination on Mobility as a Resource in the Search for Care and Caring In Healthcare in Motion: (Im)mobilities in Health Service Delivery and Access, edited by C. Vindrola-Padros, G. Johnson and A. Pfister, 73-75. New York: Berghahn Books.

Vindrola-Padros, Cecilia, Johnson, Ginger A., Pfister, Anne E. (2018Introduction: In Healthcare in Motion: (Im)mobilities in Health Service Delivery and Access, edited by C. Vindrola-Padros, G. Johnson and A. Pfister, 1-13. New York: Berghahn Books.

Vindrola-Padros, Cecilia, Johnson, Ginger A., Pfister, Anne E. (2018Postscript In Healthcare in Motion: (Im)mobilities in Health Service Delivery and Access, edited by C. Vindrola-Padros, G. Johnson and A. Pfister, 224-228. New York: Berghahn Books.

Pfister, Anne E., Lende, Daniel H. (2017Language Readiness and Learning among Deaf Children. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40. doi 10.1017/S0140525X15003027

Anthrologica, various contributors (2016Knowledge, Attitudes & Practice: Zika Virus Disease & Potential Complications World Health Organization Resource Pack.

Vindrola-Padros, Cecilia, Pfister, Anne E., Johnson, Ginger A. (2015The Role of Anthropology in Improving Services for Children and Families: An Introduction. Annals of Anthropological Practice 39(2): 89-95.


Pfister, Anne E. (2020) “Made to Hear: Cochlear Implants and Raising Deaf Children (review)”. Disabilities Studies Quarterly 40(1).

Pfister, Anne E. (2017) “Signing and Belonging in Nepal by Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway (review)”. Language 93(3): 712-15.
