Short-form publications

Short-form publications reflect my dedication to community-based research and engaged anthropology; photo essays are more accessible to deaf audiences and online publications engage readers beyond the academy. Many of these publications include photo essays (Medicine Anthropology Theory, 2015) and dovetail my interests in participatory ethnography and the digital humanities. Others, like my 2019 Somatosphere piece and newsletter article in the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group Newsletter (now Neos) are peer or editor reviewed and are part of larger scholarly dialogue about specific interests.

2019 On Responsibility (and Laziness) – Somatosphere: Science, Medicine & Anthropology

2019 Photovoice in the Undergraduate Classroom – The Society for Applied Anthropology Podcast Project

2016 Observations through Photovoice: Interactive Digital Assessment & Authentic Learning beyond the Lecture Hall – Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy

2015 Proyecto Fotovoz: The Everyday Lives of Young People Attending Instituto Pedagógico para Problemas de Lenguaje in Mexico City – Medicine Anthropology Theory (MAT)

2015 Childhood and Deafness – Neos: Anthropology of Childhood and Youth Interest Group (ACYIG) Newsletter

2013 Dependency & Mistrust of the Medical Community – Anthropologies: a Collaborative project

2013 The Road of Development Installation – Cool Anthropology (contributor, education chapter)
